What type of recreation industries need Dust Control services? RV parks to fairgrounds and everything in-between, dust control services provided by Northern Salt are utilized in numerous industries throughout the Midwest for both work, and play.  

Dust Control is not always just for work, but for recreation, and everyday travel, too. What type of recreation needs Dust Control services you might ask? From RV parks to fairgrounds and everything in-between, dust control services provided by Northern Salt are...

NSI Consumer Ice Melt via Amazon Prime

We are ecstatic to introduce you to the newest addition to your de-icing winter arsenal. Calling pet owners, environmentally conscious friends, and those ready to bring on the Heat! We at Northern Salt Inc. are very excited to be bringing 3 new de-icing products to...

Why is your Road Salt pink?

Believe it or not- our road salt is naturally pink in color! We do not add any additives such as dye or preservatives to give our salt a pink color. Our road salt product is a naturally occurring, environmentally friendly, four chloride, fifteen trace mineral product...